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Top Rating

(Only those who played at least one game in the last 7 days)

Player Search

Ranking Username Rating Level Wins %
1 RedPanda 1587 9 66.79 %
2 snowmst 1568 1 58.82 %
3 kill_bill 1545 20 70.82 %
4 Vollstrecker92 1540 4 56.74 %
5 promano 1536 8 59.25 %
6 heinzy57 1529 2 58.54 %
7 chihchih 1521 3 55.10 %
8 JOYYYYYY 1518 3 46.04 %
9 maijanen3 1513 4 48.75 %
10 javekki 1513 4 49.38 %
11 Friekfried 1511 3 52.44 %
12 hyperon61 1504 4 53.03 %
13 Cynapath 1502 5 44.90 %
14 Plumin 1498 4 52.74 %
15 Schokonarrisch 1493 4 50.35 %
16 Tichuaner1 1490 35 61.12 %
17 Jacobien 1479 6 50.24 %
18 Marije 1479 6 50.0 %
19 ChillyBilly 1479 2 62.50 %
20 Dybbuk_ 1478 43 58.17 %